Monday 14 March 2016

Volcano Experiment

For our writing experience we made an erupting volcano in our sandpit. We added baking soda, food colouring, warm water, dish washing liquid and finally vinegar into the top. Whizz! Whoosh! A chemical reaction took place and a red river of lava flowed out the top of the volcano.
We used this experience to write about a moment in time (an erupting volcano). In groups we brainstormed all the adjectives and verbs we could use to describe it.

Here is a slideshow of our experiment.

Here is a moment in time of the erupting volcano written by Honey

Sizzle! Sizzle! The lava tumbled down the volcano. Crash! The red and yellow lava smashes everything. The smoke is as gray as the rain clouds. The lava bubbles like bubbles in a bath. When the lava gives up it turns in to rock.
By Honey


  1. Hello I really like your description of the volcano it reminds me when I made one a few years ago. I wonder how you made the lava look red?
    You could visit my blog and have a look

  2. I really like your volcano and how is the lava red?

  3. Kia Ora
    I really like the video of your experiment. I know nothing about volcanoes so this has helped me learn some new facts. I would like to see a volcano. Can you tell me how volcanos Explode?

  4. I love the red and yellow stuff erupting it was so cool. I would like to do this some time. Was this at your school?
    This is a link to my blog

  5. Geetings!
    Wow I love The volcano Experiment and I love the part where the lava came out of the volcano. I also love doing experiments. How long did it take for you to make the volcano?

  6. Hello. I really like your volcano because it was exciting.
    How is the lava red?

  7. Kia ora. Your volcano was awesome. I loved the music. It was so good. Come and visit my blog

  8. Hello! I LOVE how you described the volcano's actions. It makes me want to create one right now. How did you make it flow down and turn it into rock? I love it.

  9. Hi your volcano was cool i wonder how you got red

  10. Hi that post was awesome! I can't wait to try my own volcano. They look amazing. What do you need to make them?from Matthew

  11. Thank you for all your comments. We made the red lava by using red food colouring. It took us 5 minutes to create our volcano in the school sandpit. Volcanoes explode to release gas and pressure. We look forward to checking out your blogs.

  12. What a fun activity to do to get you thinking about adjectives!
    I love how well you described the lava.
    Great learning!
